INITIATIVES ON SOCIAL ISSUES Advanced Medical Technology

Support the industrialization of advanced medical technologies that continue to develop day by day.

Despite advanced medical technologies being beneficial to patients, it is often difficult for them to reach a point of widespread usage due to barriers such as profitability.
We believe that it is necessary to conceive technologies not only from the direct benefit to the immediate patient, but also from the total optimization perspective of what impact they will have on society in large.

Support the commercialization of excellent advanced medical technologies

Cellular therapeutic development for cerebral stroke

Support the commercialization of heavy charged particle therapy for cancer treatment

We provide support for NCS-01, a cellular therapeutic for acute ischemic stroke, which is under development at our subsidiary, NC Medical Research, Inc.
Our support includes business planning, fundraising, and management of clinical trials in Japan and the U.S. and to date, we have raised about 3 billion yen ,which is approximately 22 million US dollars,in external funding. We aim to bring the therapy to market in 2025.

Heavy charged particle therapy, a type of radiation therapy, is expected to be a new cancer treatment method as it is highly effective with fewer treatment cycles than conventional proton beam and X-ray therapy.
However, the high initial cost of heavy charged particle therapy equipment currently poses an obstacle for many hospitals to introduce.
We have examined a new model of business profit and created a strategy to popularize the equipment.

Initiative to achieve cancer genomic medicine

Through a market analysis conducted in the U.S, which is the leading country in cancer genomic medicine, we considered the ideal form of cancer genomic medicine in Japan and the challenges it faces.
In addition, we provided support for a business strategy formulation and commercialization to a major manufacturer seeking to enter this field.
We proceed with continuous thematic research, including the National Cancer Center’s “Research Effort on the Medium-/Long-term Merits of Total Genome Analysis of Cancer” contract.

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