Smart City Project(SCP)
Project Summary

With the aim to promote the export of Japan’s Smart City technologies, established Smart City Consortium inviting 27 companies from each sector that consists Smart City and promoted its business.

Smart City is a national strategy globally
In recent years, explosive population increase in urban cities is putting more pressure on environment conservation and depletion of fossil fuel. This is calling for cities where people lead more comfortable lives whilst energy is being efficiently circulated. This development is called “Smart City” . There is a great demand for this Smart City and its market is forecasted to be over 4,000 trillion yen globally for the period of 20 years from 2010 to 2030, and is also positioned as national strategy.

Challenges in efforts of exporting Japanese Smart City
Despite the vast market opportunity, challenges stood ahead in trying to export Japanese Smart City infrastructure: 1) Not enough proposals that are based on needs and constraints which are systematically organized, 2) Lack of alignment across companies even after coming together as a consortium, 3) Specific optimization because orders are placed individually to each suppliers’ relevant department, 4) Inefficient marketing where messaging from companies are inconsistent and its timing are not synched. There was a risk that Japanese technologies in environment energy sector could fall into Galapagos Syndrome.

Smart City Project (SCP)
We founded a consortium, called Smart City Project (SCP), inviting 27 global leading companies from each sector relevant to Smart City. At SCP, Smart City was defined based on 5 layers and 10 areas. This clarified at which segments each company’s solutions fall into. With bird’s eyes view across 5 layers / 10 areas, we examined solutions to ensure the entire optimization. Project we engaged include but not limited to: Japan) Kashiwanoha Smart City, Kesennuma Smart Project, Saitama eco town ,and overseas) Projects in Lianyungang city, China, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

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